Export ASCII File
This option will write points to an ASCII file using the nominated template file to layout
the data in the ASCII file. The user can specify the range of points to be written to
the output file.
Template File
The format of the file can be specified by a Template file (.TEM) which defines the layout
of the point data in the ASCII file. See ASCII Template File format for
more details. A Template file can be created here if necessary.
Output ASCII File
Enter the name of the ASCII data file into which the data will be written. This file will
contain X,Y,Z points data in ASCII format.

Select Points/Layers
This button allows you to select the Points and Layers to be written to the output file.
New template File
This will create allow you to create a New template file. It will allow you to specify the
template spec and then to save the spec to a template file.
Edit Template File
This button allows you to edit the template file.